LaToof’s Reads

LaToof’s Reads are books that Nick has either read or have been recommended to Nick by show guests and others. Nick places a big emphasis on not just reading but reading the right books.  You can bet that the books listed here Nick has found them to be insightful, useful, and must reads!

I believe everybody should read “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck.” It’s a beautifully and hilariously written book about people caring too much about shit that really doesn’t matter. “The Obstacle is the Way” is a book that will renew your mindset around obstacles and difficult. Most of us think that if we’re on the right path, we won’t have difficulties. That’s very far from the truth. The difficulties we face prepare us for what’s to come. “The Four Hour Workweek” main premise is to be more effective with our time. I’m sure most of us could reflect back on our days and weeks and find numerous hours of wasted time. Ferriss’ book does a great job addressing real issues and giving you solutions. “Vagabonding” will reframe your mind around the art of travel. It’ll debunk myths of travel being too expensive and dangerous. It’s a must read if you have been recently bitten by the travel bug.

“The Four Hour Body” will teach you more about the body and how it responds to various things than all of your formal education combined. Tim’s human guinea pig like nature gives you practical advice to follow based on his own experiments. “The Daily Stoic” allows you to dive into the minds of Marcus Aurelius and Seneca and how their ancient philosophy of Stoicism is still powerful today. “5/3/1” is the simplest most effective strength training protocol in existence. “The Motivation Manifesto” is a book full of inspirational quotes and philosophies to empower your life. You’ll make several declarations while reading this book. If you have the courage to follow through with them, you’re entire life might change.

“The Alchemist” may be my favorite book. It’s tough to call but this book delivers. It’s captivating story will keep your attention and the subtle life-lessons will motivate you in a completely different way. A few more of Tim Ferriss’ books make the list here and for good reason. As a rule of thumb, if Tim puts out a book, just go buy it. “Relentless” is a great read and really gives off the edgy and dark feel of the what it really means to be relentless. I came across this book pretty quickly after I decided to make the word relentless my word for 2014. Clearly, the word has stuck and changed my life. Grover’s book helped me put things into a relentless perspective. 

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Furthermore, the fact that these are affiliate links shouldn’t discredit my recommendation. They are Amazon affiliate links and I have the ability to share links of millions of books. I have chosen these books for the reasons I list above. I share them here with you because I know that they can benefit you as well.